Welcome! You’ve taken a big step towards incorporating healthy exercise in your lifestyle. However, the search for a personal training program can be overwhelming, especially if you are not quite sure of what questions to ask, your level of readiness to begin a program, and most importantly, what health and fitness goals you have in mind.

Let’s see if my approach to healthy exercise is right for you:

  • Your Current Fitness Level and Goals

    Your exercise program is designed to help you stay motivated, take ownership of your health, and feel empowered to tackle activities of daily living, regardless of your current level of physical activity. Goal setting is important, but should reflect overall fitness, not just a number. The American Council on Exercise (ACE) promotes the principle of SMART goals: Specific-Measurable-Attainable-Relevant-Time Bound. As an ACE certified personal trainer, I support this principle. See Goals page for more details.

  • Your Program Pace and Exercise Progression

    The key to an effective exercise program is to avoid injury, and as your personal trainer, it is my responsibility to assess and identify the starting point and progression of physical activity, keeping your safety in mind. I utilize The BioMechanics Method™ when collaborating with you on your program design. In simple terms, a”building blocks” concept, applying corrective body posture, balance and range of motion techniques to insure you firstly attain a solid foundation. See Progression for more details.

  • Your Program Tools and Environment

    Personal trainer exercise guidance can certainly have its benefits, but just as important is the surroundings in which training occurs, and the tools you can take with you outside the training session. The home gym at my residence offers a much more private alternative to that of a big fitness center, and houses all the essentials needed to meet your exercise goals. You will also be provided a software link to view your exercise program, completed workouts and progress. See Tools for additional gym pics.